Friday, April 30, 2010

×÷·.·´¯`·)»----- صالح ----«(·´¯`·.·÷×

. قصة قصيرة أو طويلة....مش فارق 

غريبة تلك النظرة فى عينيه , تشعان بريقاً ساطعاً رغم ما يلاقيه من مشقات فى حياته اليومية , ترى وجهه
الأسمر وضاء صافياً وان شابه أحياناً بعض ما تُخَلفه السنون و تتركه الأيام .
عم صالح , حارس العقار الذى يقطن به العبد لله والذى توالى عليه الخفر والحراس واحداً تلو الآخر حتى غدت
جدرانه شاهدة على أيام كل منهم بومضاتها حيناً وخفوتها أحياناً أخرى , وكأن كل واحد من هؤلاء الحراس قد خلف
على هذة الجدران علامات أو قل ندوباً لا تندمل بمرور الوقت وتعاقُب الأيام وتقلبها .
كان صالح شابأً يافعاً تطغى سمرته على معظم ملامحه ولكن ما كان ملفتاً فيه حقاً هما تلك الجوهرتان البنيتان
فى وجهه واللتان لطالما عجبت لبريقهما واقبالهما على الحياة , كان فارع الطول شديد النحافة حتى أصبحت هيئته أقرب الى عود القصب منها لبنى الانس , أما شعره القصير فكان شديد السواد كقطع الليل المظلم فى
سماء الصعيد والتى لم يكن يجد صالح فى معظم الأحيان بينها وبينه ساتراً , أو كفحم لطالما تمنى منه النذر
اليسير لينشله من براثن الزمهرير على رصيف رقم ثمانية بمحطة مصر فى أيامه الأولى فى سنته الأولى التى وطىء فيها قاهرة المعز أرض الذل والعز والحسين وأخته
لم اسأله يوماً من أى بقاع الصعيد أتى وان كان جلياً من لهجته وهندامه انه من أقاصى أقاصى صعيد مصر حيث لا
تصل الحملات الاعلامية لتحديد النسل ولا يحتاج الرجل منهم "بيريل" ليصير رجلاً وبيوتهم رغم فقرها فهى نظيفة بدون أبلة نظيفه وقطنتها . وعلى العكس كانت زوجته أم محمود والتى لم تعرف غير القاهرة موطناً منذ جائها
اهلها فتطبعت بطباعهم وصار يجرى على لسانها منطقهم , حتى ثيابها لم تسلم من التمدن وان بدا منظرها مضحكاً .
لم تتعد معرفتى بصالح قولى له : " صباح الفل يا عم صالح " ورده على : " يسعد صباحك يا بيه " , ومع ذلك كنت
متأكداً أن لا هم له فى الفانية الا اسعاد أم محمود ومحمود وأخوته والعمل على ذلك مهما كان الثمن...هكذا بدا .
أنطلقت فى ذلك الصباح متأخراً كعادتى قاصداً المدرسة , وجدت المصعد معطلاً فتيقنت أن رحلة العذاب المتمثلة
فى نزول عشرة طوابق على السلالم قد بدأت لتوها , وبعد أن أدركت نهايتها دلفت مسرعاً الى خارج البناية ووجدت صالح كعادته فى سائر الأيام فى مثل هذا الوقت ينظف سيارات السكان التى أكتظ بها الشارع حتى لم
يعد به موطىء قدم لأصحاب الدراجات أمثالى . ألقيت عليه التحية المعتادة ورد بالأجابة المعتادة وأزاد بأبتسامة من خلف زجاج احدى السيارات مما بعث على قلبى السرور فقد كانت من النوع الذى نفتقده هذة الأيام ربما
لقسوة الحياة..أو قسوة قلوب ولد آدم بتواتر العصور. المهم , مشيت بضعة أمتار حتى وصلت الى البقعة التى أنتظر عندها أحد أصدقائى كسائر الأيام يؤنسنى فى طريقى . نظرت فى ساعتى فوجدتها تشير الى الثامنة
والربع , وقفت فى مكانى أنتظر ورحت أرقب بأهتمام عم صالح وهو يقوم بعملة , وبعد لحظات ظهر "عصام" جارنا خارجاً من البناية . كان عصام شاباً حاد الملامح ومع ذلك كان ممتلىء الجسم قليلاً , أصلع الرأس ولم يكمل ربيعه
السادس والعشرون , لطالما كانت طباعة القاسية محط سخط ونقم الآخرين لكن بلا طائل , فهو وشيعته من أصحاب المناصب أو محاسيب أصحاب المناصب السيادية والنفوذ لا ترد لهم كلمة ولا يؤجل لهم طلب . باختصار
وكما نقول بالعامية , كان عصام "مسنود" وكانت هذة "السندة" هى سبب تسلطه الدائم على خلق الله .
نزل عصام الدرجات القليلة المؤدية الى الشارع ورمق صالح بنظرة خالية من اى تعبير ثم سأله ان كان انهى تنظيف
سيارته فاجابه بانه كان على وشك تنظيفها فور الأنتهاء من السيارة "اللى ف أيده " واعتذر منه بكل أدب ولكن هذا لم يبد كافياً لعصام فأنهال على صالح يكيل له السباب ولكل أفراد عائلته الميت منهم والحى , حتى الحاجة أم
صالح ذات السبعين "خريفاً" لم تسلم من لسان المتسلط , وهنا صرخ صالح : " أخرس!!!" لم يزيد عليها ولم ينقص فزأر عصام : " وكمان بترد عليا يا أبن ال......" وصار يلكمه حيناً ويركله حيناً حتى حال بينهما الناس ولم أنتبه
الا وصديقى واقفاً بجانبى فمضينا الى وجهتنا .
مضى يومى الدراسى بطيئاً لم يخل من آلام الصداع أثناء حصص التاريخ وكأن هانيبال وجيوشة من القرطاجيين
يزحفون فى دماغى صوب أرض الرومان حيث ألتقى الجيشان ودارت الرحى حتى دوى جرس المدرسة فأختفى كل شىء وبعكس الحقيقة انتصر فى رأسى جيش هانيبال ولم يبق الا انا والصداع.... وفلول الرومان
عدت أدراجى الى البيت سريعاً فوجدت أم محمود تنوح وتلطم خديها وتتمنى لو أن لها ثالثاً تلطمه أيضاً , سألتها عما بها فأجابت بأنهم سيطردون وليس لهم مكان يؤويهم وعيالهم الا الصعيد وفقره وبرده وكلاب سلطانه.. , رجوت
صالح أن يعتذر من الطاغية من أجل أولاده وزوجته و لكنه أجاب بلكنته الصعيدية : " أعتذر ازاى يا بيه !! مخبرش باللى حصل ؟ أنا اللى انداس عليا..هيا الكرامة للأغنيا واحنا لا ؟!! لا يا بيه دا انا حتى صعيدى!!" ...أطلقت كلمات
الرجل سيلاً حاراً من الدموع أحرقت وجهى...قررت أن أكفكفها حتى لا يرانى أحد , لكن يد أم محمود بمنديلها كانت أسرع الى وجهى منى ولم تزد على قول : " ربنا كريم

كريم على....مهندس مرموق ورئيس مجلس الحرب , أو كما يطلقون عليه " مجلس أتحاد الملاك بالعمارة " والذى تقرر أنعقاده عاجلاً وسرياً على غير العادة...فلطالما كان أنعقاد القمم العربية أسهل وأيسر من أنعقاد جلسة
لمجلسنا الموقر , وكعادة مجالس الحرب أقتصر الحضور على رؤساء الشقق وأربابها , فلا مكان لأمرأة أو أحد الأبناء . على كل حال , أنتظرت قدوم أبى بالأخبار وألهيت نفسى بتخيل أنتصارات هانيبال وهزائم الرومان..دخول
البابليين القدس..تدمير الهيكل..اه لو كانوا أبادوا بنى يعقوب فلم يبق منهم انسان ! , ولم يصرفنى عن جموحى وجنونى وهرطقتى الا صوت أبى معلناً مفاجأة لم يتوقعها أكثر المتفآلين...قرر المجلس الأبقاء على صالح !!! لا
أنتصاراً لكرامة الأنسان أو منعاً ان يشمت فينا الحيوان ولكن لأن صالح أرضى الناس بقليلة و " مش لكعى وحمار شغل..نعديهاله  أحسن " كما جاء على لسان كريم على 

لم أهتم كثيراً بالسبب قدر اهتمامى بانتيجة , خلدت للنوم وأستيقظت هذة الجمعة مع شروق الشمس على غير عادتى فى سائرها كى أكون أول من يبشر صالح بالخبر. وجدت باب غرفته مؤصداً فتوجهت للخارج لعله يغسل
السيارات باكراً , لكن هذة المرة لم أجده ينظف بل وجدته وأهله فوق احدى سيارات النقل وقد جلسوا بجوار أمتعتهم , وقبل أن أعى ما يحدث بدأت السيارة فى الحراك..حاولت اللحاق بها دون جدوى..ناديته....لم
يسمعنى.....أبت نفسه وكبرياؤه أن يظل يوم آخر...رحل حتى قبل أن يعرف أنهم قرروا بقائه وما أحسبه كان ليكترث...عاد مجدداً الى الصعيد...حيث لا تنظيم أسرة ولا بيريل ولا أبلة نظيفة وقطنتها...وقفت فى منتصف
.... "الشارع أتابع السيارة وهى تبتعد رويداً رويدا حتى بدت كنقطة صغيرة فى الأفق لمعت ثم أختفت....وأختفى معها " صالح 

Sunday, April 11, 2010

They're all Judas , with my deep apologies to Judas !

Among the twelve apostles of Jesus of Nazareth , the name of Judas Iscariot was the most shiny and popular through the centuries , with all my Egyptian respect to Simeon of Jerusalem .
Well of course judas didn't gain the so called popularity for being one of the bravest jewish rebels at the time , but for playing a main effective role in the "Christian" story of Jesus , that I will spotlight on now as a story only . 

Judas was said to have betrayed his master and sold him to the roman and the jewish priests for a bag of golden coins...the plan was that the Roman soldiers would go during supper and Judas would tell them the details and also point at jesus so that they'd know him - '' according to the catholic version of the story '' , that was known as the last supper...jesus didn't speak much during that supper...his twleve apostles were wondering..but he did break the silence with a phrase or two , the most important two of them were : '' it'd be one of those who are present , there shall be woe to the man who betrays the Son of Man! It would be better for him if he had not been born '''...eleven were amazed and of course the 12th had different feelings and fears inside . After this Simeon of Jerusalem says that he'd never abandon jesus even if everyone else did , and there comes the second important phrase by jesus : ''you'd deny me thrice before the cock had crowed twice '' ( which means before Dawn i guess ).
Things go fast after this..the two phrases come true...Judas betrays..Simeon denies and the cock crowed more than twice...
Everything i mentioned in the story above might be well known , But here comes the side of the story that has always stopped me , ..Judas feels guilt and shame...Satans make it like hell for him...he returns the money...he kills himself..yes yes..he kills himself...he hangs himself on a tree..OMG this sounds familiar to that called '' CONSCIOUS '' !! oh my my !! thaT'S the word ! existed even in Judas !! and that's why he's kinda respected after everything...JUDAS..the icon of treason and betrayal had an alive conscious....
We had more than a Judas in the 20th and 21st centuries...but with no conscious...maybe they don't deserve to be called '' Judas ''
I'm sorry , they don't have the conscious you had...
Consider this note dedicated to you wherever your place is , i'll just mention few examples..smaller examples for those who don't even deserve to be Judas...for those who shoud have gained the bad biographies of traitors through all over those centuries...not you.

Judas II : Brutus :
The faithful servant of Jules Ceasar , or so did he call himself...his hands would be stained forever for one of the most effective betrayals in the history...the map of the world , terms of power and leadership would have been changing a lot if Brutus didn't do what he did .

Judas III : a recent president of a recent country in the recent world who gave the enemies for dollars what they couldn't have with guns and planes , blood and skulls...he gave them more than what they'd ever dream of...history never generations will remember and damn him everyday , a look around would be enough for them to bring it all u know him like I do ???

Judas IV : Sergant Mourad Paca Jamal :
He's not famous at all , actually no one knows him..He was a Turkish Officer in the Egyptian army during the famous Oraby Rebelion..he joined..he gained trust..and then his role came to betray ..and as a result , his colleagues were slaughtered , his leader Orabi was captured and Egypt fell between the claws and fangs of Grait Britain for more than seventy years .

Judas V : a small local Judas..who's still alive..and the treason is kinda fresh.
a Vice president of an Egyptian local political party..the president is in jail for no reason but for representing one of the most true schools of Opposition that exist in Egypt. the vice president betrayed...burned the properties of the party..burned even the personal office of the party's president while his wife was in.....not a famous Judas...but a very typical one

If i kept listing it'll take ages and ages and ages and books...the aim was just to list few examples who should at least carry some of that heavy load that JUDAS ISCARIOT kept carrying for more than two thousand years....

Nosair VII

Thursday, April 8, 2010

And you calling me colored ?!

This poem was nominated by UN as the best poem of 2006, Written by an African Kid

When I born, I black
When I grow up, I black
When I go in Sun, I black
When I scared, I black
When I sick, I black
And when I die, I still black

And you white fellow
When you born, you pink
When you grow up, you white
When you go in sun, you red
When you cold, you blue
When you scared, you yellow
When you sick, you green
And when you die, you gray

And you calling me colored ?!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The confident veteran attacks !

From  my FB notes archive , " Covering the Republican Con. and the McCain-Palin campaign " September '08 

'' When I was five years old, a car pulled up in front of our house in New London, Connecticut, and a Navy officer rolled down the window, and shouted at my father that the Japanese had bombed Pearl Harbor. My father immediately left for the submarine base where he was stationed. I rarely saw him again for four years. My grandfather, who commanded the fast carrier task force under Admiral Halsey, came home from the war exhausted from the burdens he had borne, and died the next day. In Vietnam, where I formed the closest friendships of my life, some of those friends never came home to the country they loved so well. I detest war. It might not be the worst thing to befall human beings, but it is wretched beyond all description ''
Those were the words that sinator John McCain chose to begin his speech in the Republican Con. with and it's so clear that those words were chosen carefully for a dramatic strong beginning of his last speech that took him a big jump forward .
Playing on the chords of American Patriotism , McCain started his speech showing off with his own heroic record of patriotism and loyality to mother America starting from the heroic family roots with a grandfather and a father serving in the World War II , passing through his own record in Vietnam including being captured in the Northern Vietnamese capital for more than five years & ending with his honest role as a successful active republican sinator .
" I am an idealist '' , Said McCain in his speech in a good try to show the Americans that they wont regret voting for a republican conservative veteran with a record like his , and to tell the truth , Americans are emotional those days like they never were before !
President Harry Truman once said of America, "God has created us and brought us to our present position of power and strength for some great purpose " , and relying on this quote and also relying on the prosperous past during the cold war , Sinator John McCain wont surrender and wont hesitate to direct a strike after strike on America's so called enemies .
And in a quick smart step during his speech , sinator John McCain began to make short comparison between him and his opponent Sinator Barack Obama of the Illinois in the most few vital points Americans do care for :
1) Tax : '' I promise to decrease taxes while my opponent tends to increase them to cover the leakage in our financial systems '' , he said
2) Education : He promised to give the bigger rights to father and society to choose the material their sons will be taught at school , while his opponent promised to give those rights for well qualified teachers and civil educational parties and organizations
3) War : As a veteran , McCain can never ever admit a defeat , so he mentioned he won't hesitate to destroy the surrounding enemies of the ''good'' American nation , and our sons will be back home soon ( without mentioning when exactly will that ''soon'' come ) after celebrating huge victories of democracy and idealism in Iraq and Afghanistan.
4) Separate social issues : promised to find solutions for some rising social problems in America , like that of homeless people who were kicked out of their homes becuase of high interest bank loans , also the problem of '' Crime'' in states like NewYork , New south Wales and Indiana .
I'm almost done ! but i want to write few separate notes that worth writing and then attaching the most important quotes I found while watching his speech ;
I-Choosing Sarah Palin of Alaska as a female youth vice president was a smart huge jump for the republicans after pushing some youthful leadership forward and shared Obama what he though is his biggest advantage and his exclusive right , which strengthened the sitiuation of the republicans in an important time
II-An imotional speech is what both the Americans voters and the republicans need at this time ,and that's what McCain gave them. It was smart i admit !
Finally , I wanna say that I don't prefer McCain , I also don't prefer Obama but that last Republican Con. was a good shot for the republicans and it was perfectly planned and organized ! It attracted me! and it worthed staying up till 6:00 am to watch it!
III- The slogans of the Con. like : Country First , Reform , Prosperity & Peace
( Notice the order of words! )

Now here are the quotes that attracted me in his speech and luckily I could find a link that gets you directly to the full speech Written! ,

Note:  Pardon my bad language and grammar but I don't prepare , i just open that page and write what comes to my mind lol


* "Today we are not alone. There is the powerful collective voice of the European Union, and there are the great nations of India and Japan, Australia and Brazil, South Korea and South Africa, Turkey and Israel "
* " Relations with our southern neighbors must be governed by mutual respect, not by an imperial impulse or by anti-American demagoguery "
* " China and the United States are not destined to be adversaries "
* " For decades in the greater Middle East, we had a strategy of relying on autocrats to provide order and stability. We relied on the Shah of Iran, the autocratic rulers of Egypt, the generals of Pakistan, the Saudi royal family, and even, for a time, on Saddam Hussein!!!! "
* " I run for President because I know it is incumbent on America, more than any other nation on earth, to lead in building the foundations for a stable and enduring peace, a peace built on the strength of our commitment to it, on the transformative ideals on which we were founded, on our ability to see around the corner of history, and on our courage and wisdom to make hard choices. I run because I believe, as strongly as I ever have, that it is within our power to make in our time another, better world than we inherited.

Thank you. "

(¯`·._.·[ Romeo Begins ]·._.·´¯)

Dear Friends & Readers ( obviously I don't have readers on that new blog lol ) , 
I preferred to bring you something light and silly today , something that I wrote when I was still in Highschool lol and when I wrote it I gave the original and only copy to someone special and somehow it returned to me again ! So lemme share my highschool thoughts with you =)

(¯`•¸·´¯)>>ROMEO BEGINS<<(¯`·¸•´¯

 When Juliet woke up and found Romeo dead beside her , she didn't drink the poison as Signor Shakespear told us ! actually she did drink much Vodka instead and kept strolling in the streets till dawn.
And to tell the truth , the girl was so sad but not to the level that makes her drink the poison and dies after him !
Anyways , the girl's in BIG trouble now as Romeo died and took her plans to leave Italy with him to the other world ,'s so sure that her Family is so disappointed now.......
(Scene I)

{ Place : Juliet's bedroom , Time : just before dawn , ..a small room with few but very expensive furniture and a couple of precious paintings on the wall , The window is opened as Juliet used it to escape hours ago...juliet's mother goes into the room to check on her daughter , she finds the bed empty , so a scream of horror came out of her and everyone is awake now }
Juliet's mother : Oh Lord !! where's our daughter ! where's our flower !!???
Juliet's dad : Don't worry , I sent my men to search for her , the can scan Italy in an hour
Juliet's mom : Ahh! look !! there's a letter !..she went for Romeo !..she has GONE !!
Juliet's dad (roaring ) : THAT BASTARD !!!!! GIVE ME MY GUN !!!
Juliet's mom (crying) : Don't hurt her ! I beg you to calm down
Juliet's dad : Stop weeping woman !!! i'll hang them both downtown !!!!

. ( they walk outside together and curtains fall )
(Scene II)

{ A typical dark and quiet Italian street , Juliet's walking alone , drunk and the bottle of Vodka is still in her hand but almost empty , Alessandro ( the faithful friend of Romeo ) finds her after spending long time searching }
Alessandro : JULIET !!! quickly !! come here , let's flee
Juliet ( drunk ) : huh ?!...Alessandro ??..nah i want to sit beside this tree
Alessandro : But Juliet ! they'll take your life !!
Juliet : bla bla blah , now leave me and survive !!
Alessandro ( angry ) : YOU !!! get on the HORSE !!!!
Juliet : NO !! will u take me by FORCE !!????
{ He hits her with the metal part of his sword , she faints and he took her on her horse and ran as far as he could }
(Scene III)

{ Alessandro took juliet to a random hut in Torino , the Mistress by chance was... a witch! }

Juliet ( beginning to wake up ) : All..Alessandro ?!!..what a scary creature..who's that !!!!???
Alessandro : cool down Juliet , she's a good witch..she wont make you a rat !
Witch ( to Juliet ) : I heared your story and I'm so sorry..
Juliet : Grazie...i think i'll be fine , don't worry
Witch : Drink this and you'll live forever..leave some for can make him return..but NOT NOW !
Juliet : WHAT ?!! WHEN ??!! WHERE AND HOW !!??????
Witch : He'll return when a pig rules the new Nation..
Juliet : New Nation !!??..EUROPIAN , AFRICAN or ASIAN !!!???
-----{ clouds of stupid pink smoke appear in a stupid way and the witch vanishes in air }--------------
The snow came after the snow after the snow..hundreds of years passed..and juliet's still waiting for her dream to come true...when America was discovered...juliet Moved with those who moved hoping for a new good life away from their motherlands , But remember...Spending many years in our Modern World is enough to cause HUGE changes to anyone...even Juliet ....
(Curtains fall)
(Scene IV)

{ now it's the year 1999 , Juliet's sitting joyfully on Miami beach with her friend Nicole enjoying the sun , pina coladas and hot tanned men }

Nicole : Oh Juliet , aint the sea so pretty ??
Juliet : yeah sure but we are leaving today..what a pity
Nicole : By the way , did you hear any news about the elections ?
Juliet : Niccie ! c'mon ! it's all fictionzzzz
Nicole : what ever you say honey ! you are the Juliet ! hehe , Bush won anyways if u care
Juliet ( surprised ) : BUSH THE SON !!!!!!!! are you joking with me ! don't u dare !!!!
Nicole ( shocked from Juliet's reaction ) :.err..sorry..but Bush won..everyone knows it's right !
Juliet ( to herself ) : The witch...the WITCH was right !!!! America is the new Nation and Bush is the Pig !!..I must go to Italy on the next flight !!!

(Curtains Fall)
(Scene V)

{ Juliet went to Italy , Digged in Romeo's grave and poured the liquid as the witch told her..sounds and vibrations come from the ground..seems that Romeo is coming ! }
Juliet : MY LOVE !!! FINALLY YOU ARE AWAKE !!!!!!!!!!!
Romeo ( amazed ) : Juliet ???! I was dead !! now where am I for god's sake !!!??
Juliet : Italy , almost the 21st century Honey !
Romeo : WHat ?!! do you think i'm a stupid bunny ??!!
Juliet : Darling oh Darling ! i know it's hard for you to believe
Romeo ( sarcastic ) : haha yeah ! next time you'll tell me that i'm Adam and you are Eve
Juliet's discuss this at home...get into the car
Romeo : Car ?? what's that ??..your mind went so far !
Juliet ( began to get annoyed ) : pfft okay dear let's find some horses
Romeo ( wonderig around him ) : wh..wh..where's my sword ? where are our Roman Forces ???
Juliet ( very annoyed ) : Romeo !! It's a new World !! deal with this !!! ENOUGH !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Romeo ( trying to hold a tear ) : Oh julia...days made you rough
Juliet : Romeo !!! this's the real world ! everyone was Stupid !! and so did WE !!
Romeo : Can a fish live for so long out of the sea ??
Juliet : damn this !! it's my fault becuase i got you back from the grave you were in !!
Romeo ( thinking loud ) : Forgive me god..i'll do what's right although it's a sin

{ Romeo hugs her...then jumps with his back on the pointed metal cross on his grave..the metal bar penetrates both of them }

Juliet ( while dying and hugging the dead Romeo ) :

Finally we are back to where we belong
Oh was too long


Sunday, April 4, 2010

القاهرة 80

* قصة قصيرة أو طويلة , مش فارق *

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم , هذا اخر ما كتب الفقير الى الله فى اخر عهده بالدنيا وأول عهده بالاخرة وقد أفناه الوباء وأنحل جسده الرغبة والرهبة والرجاء , رغبة فى اللقاء ورهبة من سلف الشقاء ورجاءً أن تتنزل عليه رحمات السماء , فمن يرحمه ان لم يرحمه ناصر الضعفاء ربه ورب كل شىء ...حتى الوباء.
وباء ضرب قاهرة المعز والتى كانت حتى وقت قريب عاصمةً لمصر فلم يبق من ملايين سكانها الا 80 الف مكلوم فقدوا الأهل والأخلاء ولا يملكون الا الانتظار , فعالم الأحياء يلفظهم وعالم الأموات يرفضهم وإن سمعوا قرع طبوله وأصوات أرواحه تتهامس فيما بينها : " طوبى لنا ولمن لم يدرك هذا الزمان " .
دخل الوباء القاهرة عبر بوابات مطارها وقد كان دخلها سلفاً عبر ثقوب ضمائر بعض المسئولين عنها والكثير من أهلها الذين فسدوا فأفسدوها ثم هلكوا فأهلكوها فانتشر الوباء فى كامل أرجاء القاهرة خلال بضعة أيام فى غفلة من الحاكم والمحكومين تخللتها القيام بأغلاق المدارس والجامعات والأسواق والمواخير ولكن هيهات , أستمر الوباء يبنى مدينته على أطلال المدينة التى كانت وكانت وكانت , والمعز يتقلب فى قبره متمنياً لو أنه وأد مدينته فور ولادتها, وهو يلعن أهلها الذين ضلوا فأضل الله القائمين عليهم وشتت عليهم أمرهم ومزقهم كل ممزق .
ولما لم تفلح كافة الجهود المحلية المدعومة دولياً فى احتواء الوباء تم نقل المسئولين وكل ما ومن هو هام بالطائرات إلى خارج القاهرة ثم قام الجيش بحصارها... أجل , حاصرها جيشها وهى التى لطالما قهرت جيوشاً وزلزلت عروشاً , فغدا من الصعب ثم من المستحيل دخول أو خروج اى شئ أو أى شخص , فشح الغذاء فيها وصار سكانها ينتظرون ما تسقطه أو تمن به عليهم طائرات المساعدات بين الفينة والأخرى ثم تبدأ بعد ذلك حرب ضروس على هذة المساعدات تكون الغلبة فيها للأقوى والدموع والجوع للأضعف , حتى أكل الناس الكلاب وأوراق الشجر وفى بعض الأحيان...أكلوا بعضهم .
قاتل الله الحصار فما من وسيلة للأتصال بما هو حولنا , وما أحسب الذى حولنا يريد الأتصال بنا , بل ينتظر حتى يفنى من بقى منا - وهم قليل – حتى يدك القاهرة بقنابل حرارية وكيماوية تقضى على الوباء وتقضى معه على أطلال وذكريات من عاشوا فيها ثم يأتى ليبنيها من جديد , فيا أيها القادم أعلم أن الله أستبدلكم بنا لغاية , فقد تولينا وحق على الله أن يستبدل قوماً غيرنا ولا أرجو أن تكونوا أمثالنا , وتلك الحقيقة أنبئكموها وأنا على حال يصدق فيها الكاذب ويبر فيها الفاجر , فلن يخبركم بها أحداً من بنى الأنس , فمن عاش تلك الحقيقة هم أهل القاهرة وقد ماتوا فيها , ومن حاصرها ثم عاد ليحكمها بما حكم فيها من قبل فليعينكم الله عليه , وأعملوا لدنياكم كما لاخرتكم عسى أن يكون بينكم مهدى أو ينزل فيكم أبن مريم , وما هو بنازل على قوم فاسقين , وأعتبروا بنا إن لم تكن لكم عبرة فى الأولين , وإنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون .


مارس 2080

One of Einstein’s moments of truth !

Einstein’s Letter about Deir Yassin Massacre

April 10, 1948

Mr. Shepard Rifkin
Exec. Director
American Friends of the Fighters
for the Freedom of Israel
149 Second Ave.
New York 3,N.Y.

Dear Sir:

When a real and final catastrophe should befall us in Palestine the first responsible for it would be the British and the second responsible for it the Terrorist organizations build up from our own ranks [Jewish].

I am not willing to see anybody associated with those misled and criminal people.

Sincerely yours,
Albert Einstein

Now what do you think ? we don't have to be Einsteins to see things as they really are ! The truth is right in front of our eyes but we need to open them first
Raise the Cause , Spread the Idea & Support Justice
No one is Safe ..your country can be tomorrow's Palestine.

special thanks to Heba Farouk Mahfouz

Friday, April 2, 2010

Strangers On A Paper Boat

Based on true personal experience

just brought it to you from my old FB notes

Note : This's not any kind of stories or any kind of literature , just my own thoughts and experience in a simple weak english language , without editing , just from my mind to the keyboard . thanks


Walking towards the station where he's going to take his bus home , he had many nested floating thoughts in his mind , It's been a hard day at university...long discussions and arguments with professors , his colleagues and even with his own mind as the rebel inside him never sleeps even when he wants him to do..such a black sheep he was born and such a black sheep he shall stay..Yet, he loves it ! not for the joy of feeling different but for the joy of feeling right .
Praise the lord ! our friend kept drowning in his thoughts...thinking , thinking and then thinking again until all the thoughts of different types were mixed ! politics , university , history , fiction & non-fiction to the level that he wondered if the ancient Phoenicians discovered and used the surface tension rules to build their light and fast boats that made the first naval trade trips in the history..or did Alexander the great mix Titanium with Aluminum and Cast Iron to make impenetrable shields and swords that helped him conquer the whole world ?...Can the thermodynamics professor make a mistake someday and come to university with a Scottish kilt ??...Can me and a few bunch of other losers move to a deserted Island and announce that we've created Aristotle's Utopia ?...Israel did that in an inhabited place ! they are no better !...And nothing stopped his recalcitrance and heresy but the big black cloud of carbon monoxide which indicates that his bus is already there.
He sat on his favorite chair beside the window on the left and waited for other passengers to come and fill the bus so that it moves...and he was about to start the pure chaos he call thinking again but a short girl stared at him for few seconds before she says hi and sits on the chair beside him , she had her average share of beauty but her eyes were abnormally shiny and as soon as she settled down , she started doing something on her cell phone ,yet he could catch her stealing a look every while...anyway , the bus moved and our friend enjoyed the view from his window till the moment he got the ticket , and that means that his best part of the trip just started , making a very small paper boat from his ticket !.
He started making it very carefully as usual and with full concentration but he was shocked when he found that girl making a similar boat and finishing it before he did...he just smiled although he felt a little bit jealous that someone has just beaten him in his own hobby , she probably noticed it and started laughing then said : '' I've been making those boats since I was 5 , they mean more than just boats to me...they are a dream '' , then she introduced herself and so he did ..she studied law but she works as an accountant in a small medicine firm just because famous lawyers and consultancy offices prefer male graduates! and she's desperately seeking chances to travel abroad for further studies and Career as she really loves the law , she said that then starting staring at her paper boat in complete silence...and so did he ...To her , the boat meant departure...meant the dream...meant revenge..meant a strong desire to do what she loves and wants , he thought .
To him the boat meant a revolution , meant a change..meant a way of transport to the ideal thoughts and the virtual assumptions of his mind from the lands of illusion to the jungles we call earth.....It meant freedom to both of meant transport...each on his own way.
Nothing broke that silence but the bus horn that made her suddenly tremble like she was waken up from a good dream , then she stood up and told him it's her station and smiled , but before leaving she gave him her paper boat and said one word in a clear Egyptian accent :'' Amal '' .......
To non-arabs : Amal means hope and I don't even know If that was her name or she literally meant to say " Hope!"

يا ريته ما كان

كان يا ما كان ويا ريته ما كان

نسر جريح أسروه غربان

وبعد ما كان وكان وكان

أنكسر جناحه وقلبه أتهان

وأهو كان يا ما كان ويا ريته ما كان

ع الأرض طريح

ينادى الريح

بغضب وصريخ

" يا مين يحملنى على الأوطان "

وأهو كان يا ما كان ويا ريته ما كان

بعيد فى نسور

عايشين فى قصور

وسنين وشهور

ولا حد أفتكر النسر الغلبان

وأهو كان يا ما كان ويا ريته ما كان

فى سجنه يبكى ع الشرف

على غدر بان وانعرف

وسرب فضل الترف

ع الحق وقلد الأنسان

وأهو كان يا ما كان ويا ريته ما كان

ليله صباحه

ونَفَسه جراحه

ولآخر مرة أهو مد جناحه

وسافر على قطر النسيان

وأهو كان يا ما كان

ويا ريته ما عاش

فى دنيا الأوباش

ويا ريته .. ما كان

'' Journalistitution ''!!! -From my archives

Well well well , It's been long time since I last wrote anything but I really had to write this as I cannot bear the mess professionals causing and blaming us beginners for it .
Both media teams , the regime and the opposition left every single important issue and the art of criticism and directed all their efforts to track the lapses and scandals of the other team , Now you can see a HUGE structure like Al-Ahram harnessing all its efforts to find news about this politician's daughter , why that other politician left his wife and why that third got married twice !!
CHAOS !! CHAOS !!! , and this time i'm not blaming the regime's media only ! but the opposition's as well , my ex-favourite newspaper Al-Dostor daily is no longer that liberal honest newspaper I used to read , actually priorities changed....Sales and ''number'' ( number not quality ) of exclusive news are now on top !.
Also sex is now stuffed everywhere in everypage in every newspaper , Internet site , magazine , local papers that used to be decent .
They reminded me of an old belief that says : a good article must have a touch of the unknown , religion , something royal or political and sex , so the PERFECT short article would be : '' oh my GOD the QUEEN is PREGNANT ! WHO did it ?! '' LOL.
When I tried to '' Analyze this'' like RObert De Niro I tried to be as neutral as possible and asked myself many questions like.....
What caused that ''sudden'' terrible change ??
Did the Taste-General change and forced Journalists to change as well to survive the sudden change in tastes ???
Or it's the ''Journalistic '' nature that tends to change everywhile and it's just our bad luck that it's the turn of such kind of change ??
Or... do we smell ...TAN TAN TAAAN !...a plot ??? <(@_@)>
No one knows , but it seems to be a GREAT mix of everything stated !!....But what hurts actually is that when you ask any of the ''GREAT'' journalists about the causes of such CHAOS they always blame poor bloggers ! yes we humble bloggers are responsible of the spread of swine flu , we also make ferry boats sink with poor people on ( actually it's their fault they drawned !! they shouldn't have skipped the swimming lessons when they were young lol )...also we bloggers killed J.F.Kennedy !! ohh didn't ya know !! ..and of course we are the main threat to National security !!...I admit that ME and every FREE one who writes are BIG threats , but not to national Pharaohnic security!!!
Great Ladies & gentlemen in her Majesty's court...her Majesty the ''PRESS'' that made some beggars of you millionairs and made your mob the elite.....
IF you can't be men , try to act like men...
IF you can't cover your loins , don't work hard on uncovering others'
IF you don't have a Main dish to serve , close the restaurant
IF you are no longer creative , don't attack others' creativity
Ma'ams and sirs please get back on track...yes I'm only 20 years old but I , as well as , other 85 million Egyptians can tell the all mighty YOU , that YOU are not on the right track
Stop the recent...
'' Journalistitution ''.....

Nosair VII 6/24/2009

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